Watch them bloom - out of the darkness of soul-destroying
confusion, anxiety and limited vision - and into joy, confidence, and motivation that fuels a new hunger for personal growth.
If you're a caring parent, a dedicated teacher or
passionate youth mentor who wants the absolute best
for your kids, but in recent months have seen them
falling short of their true potential and disconnecting
from you along the way - then you would already know
that you need an urgent breakthrough so THEY can see
and understand just how amazing they actually are!
I'm sure you already know that this is a critical time in any child's development. One in seven young people experience a mental health condition and of those who develop an adult mental health issue - more than half of these emerge by the age of 14. (Source: https://www.mentalhealthcommission.gov.au/projects/childrens-strategy)

You would also know that despite all these challenges they're facing in this complex and rapidly changing world, young people still have it in them to shine if they're given the right coaching and support. And I'm sure you've heard that everyday, new scientific developments are proving what we've known in our gut for years - that MINDSET is the bedrock for future success.

And that's why I want to introduce you to...

The new 40-day learning framework based on cutting edge research,
designed to coach you, your family and your students to optimal performance and success.
Sure, you will learn the scientific research and we'll map out a plan to apply key mindset principles into daily living, but more importantly you'll have a clear, actionable process mapped out ahead of time so that you can realise your child's true learning potential.
The end result: an excited and switched-on child with the self-awareness-smarts to take them from strength to strength and into a happy. successful adult life.






There are thousands of self-help videos, guides, gurus and inspirational quotes available right now in book-stores or on the internet...
Let's say you're committed.
You're serious about this.
You can SEE your student's vibrant curiosity and spark is fading each day.
You KNOW you need to do something differently.
And so you jump online and start to research... and research... and research...
Hours (or maybe weeks) later, dozens of screwed up pieces of paper litter your desk, 30 different tabs are open on your browser, with hundreds of empty promises...
Free e-books and other junk are now cluttering up your inbox and you've found a few 'good ones' - but they're all just ideas and information - NOTHING practical to engage and inspire action. Nothing to coach teens from A-Z through a meaningful mindset shift.
Here's why most parents and youth mentors fail in their quest for quality mindset coaching material:
The human-brain by nature is extremely complex. You have to focus on what is going to have a real impact. You're looking for low input => big gains. When taking a piece-meal approach, even experienced youth coaches fall victim to information overload and their efforts are crippled by time-sucking rabbit-holes and pseudo-science that just doesn't work.
Here's why this can be an irreversibly damaging for future coaching opportunities:
To start a mindset program, lose the focus and then have to beg, bribe or boss them to stick with it (or worse - it just fades into nothingness), is not only incredibly disheartening but also damages your credibility.
This makes the next time you offer a new learning experience strained and tense.
I am all for learning from mistakes, but it is critical to protect your child's faith in you to guide their learning and personal growth.
This is an experience that you NEED to get right the first time.
Despite the research and practical, runs-on-the-board testimonies from hundreds of successful athletes, business people and world-changers about mindset - there is still NOT a lot of people out there showing young people how to do this right!
Life-coaching, peak performance mindsets and positive psychology has been around for the past 50 years, but a holistic program that refines the most recently developed elements into a easy-to-understand, practical coaching format for teens is still incredibly rare - especially in schools.
This means that you have an amazing opportunity.
The discovery journey that you and your child or class group embark on together is not only going to help them to learn better, boost their motivation and switch them on to be more grateful and positive in the present: but it will also position them as 'extraordinary' amidst their peers and an obvious choice for future colleges, universities, jobs and other leadership opportunities. Success builds success. That is... if you can avoid the rookie mistakes most parents and teachers are still out there making...
Andrew has been working with families and transforming young lives as a multi-award winning educator, life-coach, system reformer and author since 2000.
"Psssst!... I'm going to let you in on...
my secret to happy motivated teenagers.
At the heart of every human being is a divine identity - this is shaped by our learning and life experiences and we see it manifest in the world as 'character'."

"Mindset is how this character flows out into the world.
Identity is who we are at our core, but when we create the 'right conditions' in our mind - we enable our true character to shine - and more than that, we WANT to shine!
We are compelled to BE who we are. THAT is the power of Mindset."
I've now taken everything I've learned as an educator, parent and life-coach specialising in youth and families, with hundreds of success stories spanning more than two decades - and I've distilled them into this simple, but effective coaching framework that will not only boost your child's ability to learn and reach their true potential but also gives you the resources you need to BECOME THE COACH and shape their mindsets well into the future.

Dangerous Minds is the first program of its kind that...
Change an action, you change an outcome.
Change an outcome, you change your experience.
Change the experience. and you change your thinking.
Change your thinking and over time you change your beliefs.
Change your beliefs - and you change your life!
This program will give you both the theoretical mechanics of mindset AND the daily activities that will reshape the way your child sees themselves and the world around them.
Yes, you learn the science. Yes, you'll learn the theory behind mindset.
But more importantly, in this program you'll USE the strategies we cover to dig deep and help your kids to find their WHY- to tap into their identity and the gifts they are called to bring to the world?
Mindset aligns the channels.
Identity coaching will open the floodgates!

This first module starts with a bang! Popping all over the screen for 'positioning' emphasises that where you 'stand' changes your point of view. This module unpacks the FIVE perceptual positions used by expert coaches all around the world to shift a point of view and get unstuck.
Once you've learned the theory, in the Dangerous Minds booklet students will be guided through a
number of simple journaling exercises to unpack and apply the perceptual positions to a real-life
Perceptual Positions - What are they and how can they help.
P1- thinking from your own perspective.
P2 - thinking from the Others perspective - empathy 101.
P3 - the fly on the wall perspective - become the invisible third person.
P4 - the organization perspective - think like a leader.
P5 - the creator or narrator perspective - think BIGGER
Success stories - real life stories of young people achieving great things by thinking outside themselves.
The Positioned Mind Module is all about shifting points of view and once mastered can have an amazing impact on your communication skills, your relationships, your ability to work and collaborate in teams plus show care and respect for others.
This module alone is a life-shaping leap ahead.
This module starts with something very special - something never seen before and that will never be seen again. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. We will unpack the science of happiness and learn why it is smarter to reverse the traditional formula for success. I teach you about the Reticular Activating System in your brain and how you can take meaningful actions to Leverage its function and boost mood, performance and capacity.
You are unique. you are special
This day will be shaped by your mindset.
Learn about the RAS - what is it and how you can train it to your advantage.
Happiness Habits that boost your mood, productivity and performance.
Now your kids can not only can think and feel from others perspectives but now they can use effective strategies to raise their happiness levels in the present and boost their neurochemistry to work in their favour in any challenge they face.
What is the secret to achieving your goals? Most people say grit, determination or hard-work, but the science shows that these are all by-products of something much more fundamental.
In this module you'll learn the difference between a 'Fixed' and a 'Growth Focused' Mind and how you can engage in daily practices to shape yours for the better.
What is a Fixed Mindset?
What is a Growth Mindset?
Personal Stories of success using a Growth focused mind.
Personal Challenges - how can YOU develop your own Growth focused mind?
The Growth Focused Mind builds on the Happiness we cultivated in Module 2 and now frames adversity as opportunity and challenge as chance to grow. Develop this mindset effectively and NOTHING can hold you down!
Enhance your memory, your creativity, your concentration, Optimise your performance and you can change your life! This module guides you through some simple but profound mindset techniques used by athletes, musicians and other great performers as they prepare to give their best. It works for them and can work for you too!
You're amazing. DO you know what your brain is and what it is capable Of?
Your brain and how it works.
Brain training hacks.
Stories of amazing minds.
Personal Challenges to optimize your own mind.
Building on the perspective and attitude shaping of the previous modules, here we get even more practical and put some scientific brain-development principles to the test. At the end of this module you will be excited by the potential of the YOUR brain and have the skills to maximize your thinking power.
This module is one of the key differentiators between Dangerous Minds and other generic, theoretical, information-only mindset programs. In The Call there's no more science, no more how-tos, no more exercises or techniques. The Call is about YOU. You have gifts to share with the world. This still, small inner voice is the guide can ignite your purpose and fuel your motivation and inner-strength. The Call is a priceless gift and the foundation of your coming-soon success story.
No more science.
No more hacks.
No more stories or personal challenges.
Just you, a journal, a pen - and a series of powerful coaching questions to help you
discover your purpose. It's been an amazing journey - you've learned a lot, but this module is designed to bring out the essence of YOU. The mindset strategies we've learned are to set the stage - but you and your purpose are the main event. It's time to raise the curtain and discover just how amazing you truly are...
Bottom line is I want to help as many people as I can. It's MY call, to help you to reach your goals.
And so for a limited time I'm giving you the opportunity to upgrade your Dangerous Minds license
for your school or family at no extra cost.
If you purchase a single license, on request I will upgrade you to FIVE separate logins so that everyone in your family can have their own login details and although you share the journey you will be able to keep track of your own progress.
If you purchase a class license, on request I will 5x it. 15 logins becomes 75 logins, creating a positive ripple effect in your year group and school.
The bonus upgrade is valued at $985 (for a family license upgrade) or $14,775 (for the class license upgrade).
NOTE: Want to go bigger?
Purchase a school license and I'll provide individual Dangerous Minds logins for up to 1000 students in your care plus personalised support and training for staff as well.
A school licence is valued at $19,700 for 1000 students - but you can get it for only 10% of this cost!
To ensure you get the most out of your program, I will be emailing you daily once you start the course to make sure that you're on track and that you know your next step in the 40 day program. If you have any questions at all, myself or one of the team will be showing up for you and your
family or class group to address any issues.
A 40 day email series that keeps you on track
Q&A - ask anytime and addressed within 24 hours
A post-course wrap up call - optional
This sort of support for an online program is unheard of - really it's more like personal, one on one
coaching and at my current coaching rate is valued at $160 per session for families or $750 for class groups.
This is an exclusive group for current Dangerous Minds students and alumni.
It is a special group of parents, teachers and youth leaders who are committed to bring out the
best in young people and who have a smart, positive vision for what that is going to take moving
into the future. The Education Revolutions Team are all active members of this group so its a
great place to access support and get all your burning questions about identity/purpose, mindset,
peak performance and success answered.
Dangerous Minds WhatsApp Group
Education Revolutions Discussion forum
Never feel lost or unsure.
Be a part of a positive. proactive community of inspired parents, teachers and youth coaches from around the world.
Access support and get all your questions answered fast.
Lifetime access - you never have to leave the group, once you have finished the Dangerous Minds journey you can stay involved and offer support to other members.
This kind of community is priceless. It's such an important ingredient for success in the Dangerous
Minds experience. I would value this in the thousands given the rich pool of wisdom available, but
let's just say a meagre $1/day for the days you are doing the program - so [conservatively] valued at $40 for 40 days.

DANGEROUS MINDS — a complete coaching experience that will walk your child (or class group) through the 4 key mindset principles showing them how to develop multiple perspectives, raise their positivity levels, develop a growth-focused mind and optimise their brain for better performance so they can think clearer, take advantage of new opportunities, be confident and happier overall as they take on increasingly difficult learning challenges.
(A value Of $197 for one student or $2,955 for a class license)
#BONUS 01 - THE IMPACT MULTIPLYER LICENCE UPGRADE - in this bonus, 1 license becomes 5; and 15 licenses becomes 75; and a school license becomes a custom coaching experience for up to 1000 students. Life changing work is best done together as a team and you'll be amazed at the collective energy this bonus will create!
(For families a $985 value) (For class groups - another $14,775 value)
#BONUS 02 - PERSONAL COACHING SUPPORT - in this bonus you will receive the concierge treatment. A daily email to keep you on track as you progress through the program, anytime Q&A with fast-response, and and an optional post-course coaching call debrief at the end of the program. This kind of support is simply unheard of for an online program!
(For families a session with me is currently valued at $290.
For a large group, it would EASILY be a $950 value.)
#BONUS 03 - DANGEROUS MINDS PRIVATE WHATSAPP GROUP AND DISCUSSION FORUM - positive, proactive parents, teacher and youth mentors all committed to seeing kids win at life. Plus regular support from our team. Any question. Any issue. Help is always just a short post away, NOTHING will stop you from achieving success with this kind of support.
(Single member access valued at $40pp)
(= $200 when upgraded for a family) (= $3,000 when upgraded for a 75 student year group)
When you add it all up that's a value of $1,475 for individuals & families
And a total value of_$17,870 worth of courses and support for class/year groups.
But when you enrol today, you'll get access to everything for just:
39$Every year12 MONTHS ACCESS FOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD*School Class Group
* Subscriptions are billed annually on the date of purchase until you opt to cancel your subscription.
* Prices shown do not include GST

I nearly forgot to tell you...
Dangerous Minds is THE most succinct, well-designed, actionable coaching experience that will equip you and your kids to see the world anew - FAST!
- which allows us to offer this money-back guarantee...
Our community is made up of passionate parents, committed teachers and energetic youth mentors, all with a single-focus - seeing their kids shine. And you'll become a part of this special community.
Now here's the icing-the-cake!
We are all so confident that you are going to love this program that I want to offer you the Dangerous Minds 21-day-challenge!
Unlike other online programs, I don't want you to have to wait until the end before you kinda, sorta see some results. Enrol now, download the Course Calendar and stick to the mini-action program for the next 21 days. By then, you'll be completely finished the Perceptual Positions module, be up to Day 13 of the Happiness Booster activities, have watched the Growth-Focussed Mind series and have connected with your self-talk accountability partner.
This means that you and your family (or classes) will already have done THREE powerful learning modules, be in the thick of your training and only have 2 modules to go - BEFORE you even have to make a final commitment!
If at this point you feel that you and your family (or class) are not becoming more positive and more self-aware, then reach out to us, show me that you've done the activities and I'll completely refund your investment.
How long does it take? Do I have the time for this?Dangerous Minds is a 40 day program and the videos and activities should not take you any longer than 20 minutes per day. The feedback we get tells us that the program sparks conversations that take up more than this, but as far as commitment goes - 20 minutes a day has you covered.
I've seen some other books and information on Mindset — shouldn't I try these first?There is a LOT of great content available online and from books about Mindset. It is an incredibly exciting and new field of study. There is a lot you can find on your own... BUT Dangerous Minds is not just about the content. Dangerous Minds is successful because it is a structured, manageable framework that gets real results by making small but significant shifts in behaviours. This action is what makes the difference. I would ask you, what do you want from your study - more knowledge... OR REAL RESULTS? If you're after real results - Dangerous Minds is the program for you.
We've done online study before and lost motivation - I'm worried that will happen again?This is a great observation. Studying ANYTHING online is harder than face to face, because we're wired to learn together with people and through story and by taking actionable steps. I have more than 2 decades of experience working with disengaged students and I understand how motivation works! Dangerous Minds is specifically designed with action and engagement in mind. There are so many learning strategies built into this course and the support bonuses! Story-telling. Actionable steps. Humour. Practical workbook. The Check-off Calendar. A tight 40 timeframe. Conversational Support groups for Q&A. And so much more... Dangerous Minds has an unparalleled level of support. We've got you covered.
How will I get my bonuses?There are 3 bonuses that come with the Dangerous Minds course. The Impact Multipliers (1) The daily support emails + and post-course wrap-up call (2) And the private Dangerous Minds WhatsApp community and Education Revolutions Discussion forum (3) Not long after you have signed up, you will get a welcome email with a coupon code for your Impact Multiplier upgrade. The support emails will come everyday starting Day 1 after you have signed up. (Be sure to check your spam folder so you don't miss out!) Your welcome email will also have links for the Private WhatsApp chat group and Education Revolutions Discussion forum. There you can post any question OR just email for help and we'll get your sorted.
How much of the course can I get/see within the 21-day guarantee period?By Day 21, you will have had access to the Welcome session and 3 of the training modules: The Positioned Mind - helping you develop a range of different perspectives. The Happy Mind - awakening gratitude and empowering your Reticular Activating System to find more joy in everyday. The Growth Focussed Mind - a new mental paradigm that helps you to learn better and continually improve on past performances. It's an incredible amount of value to be offered before you even need to lock in your final decision! If you do the work, I GUARANTEE you'll be seeing changes by Day 21.
Can you remind me of everything I'm getting when I sign up today?You get the Dangerous Minds course. A 40 day framework with actionable strategies to RETRAIN the way you think about life, family, work, relationships, and so much more. You'll get the option to upgrade so that your whole family or school group can participate in the experience - the more in, the more synergy you'll create on the journey! You'll get daily support emails, keeping you on track and giving the option to ask questions if you're unsure. And you'll join an amazing group of other parents, educators and youth-mentors who are committed to make life better for the young people in their world. For individuals, this has a real-world value of almost $2000 - and I'm offering you lifetime access today for just $29

Dangerous Minds - A powerful, life-shaping course (A value of $197pp, or $2,995/class )
Bonus 1 -The Impact-Multiplier Upgrade (A value of $985/family or $14,775/class)
Bonus 2 -A Personal Coaching Session (A $290 value for one or $950 for a group)
Bonus 3- Dangerous Minds Private WhatsApp Community (A value of $40pp) (x5 or x75)
When you add it all up, that's a TOTAL VALUE of:
$1,475 for individuals/families OR $17,870 for class/year groups
But when you enrol today, you'll get access to everything for just:
39$Every year12 MONTHS ACCESS FOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD*School Class Group
* Subscriptions are billed annually on the date of purchase until you opt to cancel your subscription.
* Prices shown do not include GST.